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helping women claim their inner power in times of change and challenge

Build Your Light

Life Coaching




Times of change and challenge often knock our belief in our selves, this is especially true if that self-belief was a bit shaky in the first place. Research shows success is deeply linked to a positive sense of self.  


'Build Your Light' Coaching combines research-based practical exercises, together with support and discussion focused on your unique situation. Together these build self-knowledge, self-appreciation, and give you the tools to deal with your challenges.


The Domino Effect

if you've gone through challenges, say a difficult past, you'll know how negative experiences                affect your life.

It's never just the one thing that gets knocked down. 

There are always the after affects:

1) you have to deal with the situation itself.


2) they diminish your own inner light, i.e. your self belief, your confidence.  




     'With realization of one's own potential and 

self-confidence in one's ability,

one can build a better world'

Dalai Lama

More Info

Coaching Process

Individual Coaching

Coaching Tips

Increase Calm and Confidence

'You can't be a resource for others unless you nourish yourself' Alexandra Stoddard
Dr Steven Innes

‘Michelle has a natural talent for insight into the human psyche. I believe every person can gain from this’.

Nadhia Ayliff, Training Manager Life Line/Childline

‘Michelle’s qualities of integrity, warmth, and deep wisdom helped me identify my strengths and capabilities in a contained, safe environment’.


‘Michelle is so easy to relate to and open up to, with a great sense of humour, and a perspective on life to which I could relate and take insight from.

Her methods are simple but effective; I found that my attitude and expectations with regards to life and what I want to get out of it have changed. She helped me pinpoint my strengths and my core values and helped me take stock of who I really am. She helped me realize all that I had to be grateful for and helped me increase my self-confidence’.

Michelle Schwartz

Get In Touch

Michelle Schwartz

021 6862298




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